Normal Christian Living is Simply Letting God Be You

We as humans have the tendency to blame others for why we are the way we are, or why we are in the situation that we are in, rather than owning up to the fact that we are simply where we are because of the choices that we have made; and are suffering the consequences of our choices and of our actions or non-actions. We need to take on personal responsibility for our actions and responses to things that happen to us!

If you want to change your results – you have to change your actions – if you want to change your actions – you have to change your choices – if you want to change your choices – you have to change your thinking – if you want to change your thinking – you have to repent. You have to agree with God that He is right and you are wrong. As a result of changing your thinking, your choices change and your results begin to change.

You may be thinking that if you could just find the right ministry, then you could really please God. The problem with that kind of thinking is that your life IS your ministry. Every Christian is in “fulltime Christian service”!! You cannot separate your life from ministry, as they are the same! If your life is a failure, you cannot be successful in any ministry because it has very little to do with the location or vocation; but it has everything to do with YOU. If you can’t be successful in one location or vocation, it is very doubtful you will be successful in another location or vocation. You can’t run from yourself. Therefore, before you change locations or vocations, make sure that it is not just “YOU” that needs to change!

Be careful of thinking that you can be successful in your Christian life without Christ. As a “Christ-one”, we can still be completely controlled by our carnal nature and we can always be trying to find a way to live life without living as a Christian.

Christianity is simply letting God Be Us. We should be in the process of learning that when we are led by His spiritual nature, we will never follow through on what our carnal nature wants. As a “Christ-one” you only have the ability to please God in your soul and body when you are operating your life by His life.

Your spirit was made new when God made you one with His Spirit, but your soul (mind, will & emotions) are in the process of being transformed by His Spirit – which is your new spiritual nature. As our soul is transformed by our new spiritual nature, then our body will be conformed to Christ, and we will express worship to God by revealing His Spiritual Nature to humanity.

As Christians, we are the Body Of Christ and we should express to humanity the nature of God even as Christ did when He lived and dwelt among us, otherwise, as Christians, we are taking the Lord’s Name in vain.

You have to change the source of thinking from your former carnal nature to your new spiritual nature. Your former carnal nature had its source in Satan. He was your Daddy and you were born of him and were like him. You had the mind of Satan (spirit of independence from God).

When you accepted Christ, you got a new Dad and you were born of Him and became like Him in your new spiritual nature – which is really God’s Spirit. Your new source of thinking is the mind of Christ. He and you are the same. You have been made one in Him!! Every moment you can exercise faith by choosing to live according to His spiritual nature or you can live in sin. If you live in sin (carnal nature) you will suffer the consequences of death, however if you live in Christ (spiritual nature) you will flow with life.

Carnal nature is you acting independent of Christ’s Life; you thinking you have the ability to be good or do good works without resting in Christ’s ability to be good or do good works in and through you. We are not the source of life, but the receiver of life and the container that God fills. As a person once said, “We are just the clothes that Christ wears.” You and I have to live in a relationship with God of having been crucified with Christ; reckoning His death as our death and now reckoning His life as our life. We no longer live but He lives our life.

Now, don’t misunderstand what I am saying…Your life can be a tremendous success by the world’s standards and you could still be operating in your carnal nature, or your life could be a tremendous failure in the world’s eyes and you could be completely controlled by His spiritual nature. However, for some of us, God chooses in His mercy for us to fail in our lives in order to be brought to a place of repentance, while other people are brought to repentance through God’s mercy of tremendous worldly success.